Wednesday, October 30, 2019

What organisational forms are best suited to develop innovation Use Essay

What organisational forms are best suited to develop innovation Use relevant theoretical approaches and illustrative exemples in your answers - Essay Example Organisational forms are dependent on the resources and technology available in a given situation. Other factors include the state’s resources and role, the development of the economy, the political development, technological advancement, and similar other forces. Emergence of organisational forms also depends on three factors: 1.) technological advancement with a corresponding social structural support; 2.) power and wealth available in a given situation; and 3.) the development of labour markets. (Aldrich, 2008, p. 177) This essay will discuss aspects and factors of organisational forms that are best suited to innovations. Innovation takes place when there is a â€Å"new element or a combination of old elements† (Schumpeter, 1934 cited in Sundbo, 2003, p. 98). Globalisation paved the way for new organisational forms. This was further enhanced with the popularity of the internet, information technology and the information revolution. Many organisations have followed the horizontal set-up, freeing some reins of power to their branches and subsidiaries, while some have followed the traditional form or the vertical set up, micro-managing their branches through technology. Organisations have to continuously introduce innovations in this age of intense globalisation. Changes and innovations have to be applied on marketing strategies, product orientation, HRM practices, and many other organisational strategies. Employees have to be prepared, trained and developed. Some strategies are institutionally programmed although change has to be spontaneous. Workers have to study and learn and hold the opportunity of lifelong learning. Companies attain competitive edge through constant innovation. The first periods of the new century marked profound shifts in organisation’s strategies with aims for talents, technologies and customer focus and loyalty (Venkatraman and Henderson, 2008, p. 258). Organisations keep constant contact with

Monday, October 28, 2019

One Day on the River Essay Example for Free

One Day on the River Essay Elijah has grander and more dangerous dreams. Having been largely acculturated by a residential school upbringing before escaping into the forest to live with Xavier and Niska, he has acquired the dubious skills of public relations and boastfulness as much as the crafts of the hunter. His English, learned from the nuns, is impeccable, and he makes his mark among the men in the trenches as much by the flash of his storytelling as by his murderous midnight prowls in no man’s land. Gradually Elijah becomes imprisoned by two great obsessions: a need for morphine, whose use is rampant up and down the lines, and an insatiable hunger for killing. Some French soldiers suggest that if he really wants to gain respect for all his kills, he should scalp his victims as evidence. He decides to do so, much to Xavier’s disgust. In counterpoint to the exploits of Xavier and Elijah, Boyden interweaves the story of Niska, told as she paddles her wounded nephew back home after the war is over. Niska is part of the sad but admirable remnant of traditional natives who refused to enter the reserves in the 19th century, choosing instead to live by their wits and traditional teachings in the woods. Subject to what modern medicine would call epileptic seizures, Niska is deemed by her tribe to have inherited her father’s skills as a shaman and a windigo-killer. Since windigos manifest themselves in humans who have practiced cannibalism, getting rid of them involves what white society would call murder, and indeed Niska’s father was executed as a murderer by the white courts. The constant crossing of the moral lines between the worldviews of native and white society is one of the many strengths of this fascinating novel. At one point, hunkered down in his sniper’s nest, Xavier indulges himself (and the reader) in a contemplation on the number three, which he sees as an obsession of his white commanders. There’s the front line, the support line, and the reserve line, for starters. There’s the infantry, the cavalry, and the artillery. Off the battlefield, there’s food, then rest, then women. In church, there’s the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Not to mention the superstition about lighting three cigarettes with one match, a prime metaphor for courting danger in the Great War. But then Xavier suddenly remembers Niska’s traditional teaching, that those who are dying must walk the three-day road to death, and he wonders â€Å"if we share something, some magic. Maybe it will help me get through all this.† The real war hero, Peggy, makes a brief cameo appearance in the novel, which may not have been a wise choice on the author’s part. The characters of Xavier and Niska and, to a slightly lesser extent, Elijah are full to the brim with life – they’re quite satisfying and believable as they are, and need no further stamp of authentication.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

The Evil Rooted In Women :: essays research papers fc

Chaucer, in his female pilgrimage thought of women as having an evil-like quality, that they always tempt and take from men. They were depicted of untrustworthy, selfish and vain. Through the faults of both men and women, Chaucer showed what is right and wrong and how one should live. Under the surface, however, lies a jaded look of women and how they cause for the downfall of men. (chuckiii, 4) Chaucer obviously had very opinionated views of the manners and behaviors of women and expressed it strongly in The Canterbury Tales. In his collection of tales, he portrayed two extremes in his prospect of women. The Wife of Bath represented the extravagant and lusty woman where as the Prioress represented the admirable and devoted followers of church. (Chaucer, 8) Chaucer delineated the two characters contrastingly in their appearances, general manners, education and most evidently in their behavior toward men. Yet, in the midst of disparities, both tales left its readers with an unsolved enigma. The Wife of Bath represents the "liberal" extreme in regards to female stereotypes of the Middle Ages.(chuckiii, 4) Unlike most women being anonymous during the Middle Ages, she has a mind of her own and voices herself. Furthermore, she thinks extremely highly of herself and enjoys showing off her Sunday clothes whenever the opportunity arises. She intimidates men and women alike due to the power she possesses. Because of her obnoxious attitude Chaucer makes her toothless, fat and large. Doubtlessly, she is very ugly, almost to the point of "not-presentable." The Prioress, on the other hand, serves as a foil to the Wife of Bath. Chaucer describes her as "tenderhearted" who can not bear the sight of pain or physical suffering. She will cry at the thought of a dog dying. It could represent that she has a frail soul with low tolerance for pain and suffering.(fordham, 16) The latter description carries over into the modern stereotypes about women as skittish and afraid members of society who need to be cared for. (Fordham, 16) Chaucer paints a very delicate and elegant picture of the Prioress. Her manners of eating are far from the brutish festivals of the time. Chaucer describes her table manners as very graceful, not a drop of anything would fall from her mouth, and she was very polite when taking thing at the table. (lines 131-4). Chaucer's last description of Prioress - the letter "A" around her neck that stood for "Amor vincit omnia" meaning "Love conquers all.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Booker T :: essays research papers

BOOKER T WASHINGTON *V* WEB DUBOIS For more than a hundred years important Black leaders such as: Douglass, Elliot, Washington, and Du Bois have been both praised and sensationalized in our (Black) history books for their individual efforts in the struggle for the civil and political advancement of Black Americans; but among all others the two most â€Å"talked† about during that period would have to be Booker T. Washington and his fellow activist and most verbal critic W.E.B. DuBois. Although during the span of their prospective careers both have worked diligently to secure a place for Black Americans in society, agreeing in context with each others hope for the future, in methodology at least their difference of opinion as to the way to go about achieving that goal varied in as many ways as from star to star varies in its positioning in the universe. Both valued and villainized during his time for his controversial proposal on the unification of Black and White America, civil rights activist Booker T. Washington came to be known as a force to be reckoned with after the presentation of his address at the â€Å"Atlanta Exposition† in 1895. In his proposal, under the guise of wanting to say something meaningful that would unite the races, Washington encouraged Black Americans to: 1.settle for low level industrialized education, thereby focusing on the maintenance of the cotton gin instead of the magnitude of their learning potential, 2. Reconcile with the South in a grandiose gesture of forgiveness, which is in my opinion never the less over shadowed by the hundreds of ropes still decorating Worts II the branches of old southern oaks and dogwoods, and 3. Submit to the loss of all aspirations toward acquiring civil and political rights, therefore with that move relinquishing all hope of ever being anything more than they already were. In proposing that blacks initiate this type of voluntary subservience Washington thought that with time and hard work Blacks could build their futures through the accumulation of commerce and with the patronization of private owned businesses in their communities gradually acquiring the basic civil and political appendages owed them. He felt that it was more important to be able to earn a living then to be able to say that they were equal under the law; in other words a jobless man who is able to vote does nothing to contribute to the good of society if he is unable to first contribute to the preservation of his own well being.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Black Panthers

Black Panther Ten Point Plan Response During the 1960s, the black civil rights movement was at its peak and the call for social and racial equality was spreading throughout America. To promote these ideas, different groups rose up and protested against the current white dominant order in the United States. Among these groups, the Black Panthers were founded to demand an end to â€Å"racism and social oppression in order to create a global socialist community† (Ten Point Plan). Their tactics were very controversial because of the amount of violence their members caused. They were known for fighting and even killing police when provoked. But although their style of protest was severely looked down upon in today’s society, the principles of their cause were just. The Black Panther’s overarching goal of their community is for freedom and the power to determine the destiny of their oppressed communities. The Black Panthers were based upon ten founding goals that would pushed for more rights and freedoms of the black community. The first point was mentioned above and calls for Blacks to basically have the same rights as white people do. After this point, they specified exactly what they wanted to change. These included full employment of their people, fairness in payment for their labor, decent housing, and an education that is not racist and tells the black history as it actually happened and not as a censored version. It also includes free and extensive health care to all, the end of police and governmental brutality, stopping the expansionism of America, fairness in justice and freedom, and finally an overarching demand of property, liberty, peace, education, and modern technology for all peoples (Ten Points Plan). The goals were printed with captions underneath that explained where the current government has faltered and some have steps to correct the situation. The Ten Points Plan calls upon the government to provide full rights to the black population by either aiding them in their goals or backing off and giving them more freedom in their lives. The Black Panthers generally want the government take on more roles in the education and basic needs of their people. In their Ten Points, the Black Panthers demand the government to employ or guarantee money to every person of employment, help the black people create cooperatives for living in, payment for past wrongs, and payment for completely free health care for all African Americans. In addition, general statements such as an â€Å"end to all wars of aggression† and â€Å"an end to police brutality† are included (Ten Points Plan). They don’t necessarily say how the government will get this money or be able to continue payment on the items, but rather just demanding the help. This isn’t very conducive for government intervention or for actual results because it isn’t a realistic goal being presented. If the points included a way to get the money or labor, then the points would be more complete and taken more seriously. The reasons these goals were presented to the United States was because of the oppression the black community had been under for centuries. Specifically the points were pointed toward the end of slavery and the unfairness in treatment by government programs. The black community was lumped into poor areas for living, creating the modern day ghettos and a place where overall racial success and equality could not be accomplished. The Black community was also seen as subservient to the white community in the pre-1960s and so the general population did not help the struggling community. To further demoralize the community, the government treated them as a lesser people and didn’t respect them, which caused tension between the groups. The Ten Points Plan came out of a tumultuous time in America’s history where civil liberties were under investigation and the tides of change were slowly coming into the popular American culture. The goals expressed in the plan have led to positive changes for Black Americans today and the furthering of their community. Although the Panthers have not continue on, their goals of freedom for the average black American are seen in the equality of black Americans today. Works Cited â€Å"Ten Point Plan† . Acts of Inquiry. Ed. University of Washington. Boston, MA: Bedford/St. Martin’s, 2011. 389-392. Print.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

In Flanders Fields by John McCrae Essays

In Flanders Fields by John McCrae Essays In Flanders Fields by John McCrae Paper In Flanders Fields by John McCrae Paper Essay Topic: Poetry In Flanders Fields by John McCrae is a poem that has helped me to appreciate the unpleasant side of life. It is a poem that deals with the reality that soldiers sacrificed their lives for the living, telling them to finish what they started. It also contains a message from the poet John McCrae that we have a responsibility not to replicate the mistakes of the past. The poet uses exceptionally vivid imagery and skilful symbolism, rhyming, steady pace, well-placed punctuation and other poetic techniques to help me understand this side of life. The imagery used in this poem creates an exceptionally clear picture in the minds eye of what actually happened In Flanders fields. In Flanders fields the poppies blow Between the crosses, row on row, This quotation gives the reader the picture of red poppies, symbolising blood, leaking out of the ground between the white unnamed crosses showing just how many innocent people lost their lives. There is a stark contrast between bright, living flowers and the plain, dead, tombstones. It is very effective because if poppies are left alone, they will keep on growing until there are thousands of them, just like there are thousands of soldiers buried In Flanders fields. Also McCrae uses very vivid imagery in the first paragraph. There is a feeling of hope because there is a continuation of nature in spite of what man is doing on the ground underneath the singing, flying birds. Then at this very moment of hope the singing is drowned out by the noises of man at war. The larks, still bravely singing, fly Scarce heard amid the guns below. This quotation gives the reader a strong and vibrant image of what was happening In Flanders fields. The soldiers could see the birds flying above but could not hear them singing beautifully over the sound of their machine guns and mortar shells exploding all around them. Furthermore, in the second paragraph the speaker speaks to the reader as if he was one of the dead soldiers. To the reader it is influential, showing the dead were real living people at one time in history. They enjoyed life and saw things they liked, just as we do, but all of their hopes and dreams were shattered by war. We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow, This quotation uses imagery to show the reader what the soldiers were thinking about in the days before the war when they saw beautiful sunrises and sunsets. This suggests to the reader what the soldiers saw while fighting; they did not see saw a nice sunrise or sunset, just a blood stained sky. We are the Dead. The poet adds emphasis to the fact that dead people can speak out from the grave by adding a capital d to Dead. Another reason is that they have no real name any more and the Dead is now their proper name. It also makes the reader realise just how many people died In Flanders fields by not giving an accurate number and using we. One of the best uses of symbolism is in the last verse when the dead soldiers are telling the next generation to finish what they started, to finish their fight against evil. To you from failing hands we throw The torch; be yours to hold it high. This quotation shows that the dead men thought that they were losing and could not complete their objective of wining the war. It also means that they were throwing on the torch of life as they died. The torch symbolises guidance, hope, victory and life, which must someday burn out or in the case of the soldiers, be extinguished. It is effective as again it reminds the reader of death, as the soldiers threw away their lives for the ones they loved. Probably the best use of symbolism in the poem is in the last line: We shall not sleep, though poppies grow In Flanders fields. In this quotation the dead people tell the reader that if they do not fight evil, there will be no peace in the world and more blood will be shed as the poppies grow. It is very effective as all the poppies in the poem symbolise blood. This tells the reader that even more will be spent, and that the dead will have died in vein, knowing that they did not bring peace to the world. These final lines might also point to the fact that some kink of poppies can be use to derive opium from, from which morphine can be made. Morphine is one of the strongest painkillers and may have been used to put severely wounded soldiers to sleep and put them out of their misery. The word sleep is symbolic here as they are really not sleeping but are fading into death. The rhyming in this poem makes the poem flow, just like the blood flowing from the wounded. The rhyming is quite regular as the endings of lines one, two, and five all rhyme in each separate stanza: blow, ago, foe The exception is in the middle, stanza two where only lines one and two rhyme because there is only four lines instead of the usual five. Also lines three and four rhyme in each of the stanzas: high, die The exception is also in verse two where only line three rhymes with the others. This is significant as it very cleverly shows that the soldiers never spent long on the battlefield before they died. The poet does this by making stanza two shorter than the others. The poem has a slow, miserable pace to it, symbolising first the slow pace at which the war was fought, the soldiers inching their way forward towards the enemy. Secondly the sadness felt by both the soldiers as their friends died around them, and the by the reader who learns of this terrible tragedy from them. The poet has achieved this by using punctuation extremely skilfully. There are several well placed commas, colons and semi-colons all used specifically to slow down the pace of the poem. That mark our place; and in the sky Take up our quarrel with the foe: These quotations show just how colons and semi-colons can dramatically slow down the pace of a poem. This is effective because it gives the reader the impression of the sluggish pace at which the war was fought. In the last verse the poet speaks of an unending quarrel with the foe. This is a really good example of irony because if one thing became clear during the War it was that there was no quarrel between ordinary soldiers, except maybe in the heat of a fight. The real quarrel existed only in the minds of some stupid politicians and high-ranking officers, who mostly never experienced the horrors of the battlefields. The message from John McCrae, is that we have a responsibility not to replicate the mistakes of the past. I think that the message comes across extremely strongly and makes the reader feel sad and sorry for the dead and their loved ones. The First and Second World Wars taught the world an example not to fight to such a large extent that millions of people die at some point in a battle. In conclusion I found In Flanders Fields by John McCrae a very interesting and intriguing poem. It helped me to see the unpleasant side of life and it dealt with the reality that soldiers sacrificed their lives for the living. By using exceptionally vivid imagery and skilful symbolism, amongst other poetic techniques to help me appreciate this side of life.

Monday, October 21, 2019

Essay Sample on Spectrometry The Study of Light

Essay Sample on Spectrometry The Study of Light Free sample essay on Spectrometry: Spectrometry is the study of the light spectra, to accomplish a task like this; scientists use devices called â€Å"Spectrometers†. A spectrometer is an instrument, which is used to study the light spectrum. The atoms and molecules of all substances known to man give off a different spectrum. By analyzing the spectrum given off by different items, the substance, which the item is formed of, can be determined. There are three main types of spectrometers; they are the infrared spectrometers, the visible spectrometers, and the ultraviolet spectrometers. Each of the spectrometers of used for measuring their respective spectra’s. The function of a spectrometer is to allow us to view, and record the pattern of the light spectrum off of different substances. Because all of the same types of atoms emit the same pattern, and different atoms emit different patterns, we can use the information gathered by the spectrometer to determine the type of atom that is being studied. How knowing the spectra of certain substances help us is because in the industry, it can be used to help to produce more efficient products. Spectrometry can tell us if there are any impurities in wood, steel, and water. Finding impurities in water is helpful in water process and cleaning plants, and can allow us to have safer water into our homes for domestic usage. Finding impurities in wood can help in the construction business, because a spectrometer can be used to find chemicals on the lumber, which in the case of a flammable chemical found, can prevent the structure build with the lumber, to burn later. In steel and other metals, the spect rometer can determine the purity, and thus the overall quality of the final product. As mentioned in the World Book 2000 CD-ROM Encyclopedia, the typical appearance and function of a spectrometer is this. A spectrometer is an instrument, which is used to study light, so it only makes sense that it is a case, which keeps all other light out. The case allows only a small slit of light into the box, and from there a lens diffracts the light into singular, parallel rays which are them sent through a prism which separates the colours of the light, and arranges it into the spectrum. Another lens then directs one stream of light through a projection slit and allows only one colour of light to be shone through at once. A rotator inside the case is connected to a rotator outside the case, which turns the prism to allow different colours of light to be sent through the exit slit. There is a circular scale that states the angle of the prism, when the different colours are shown. Not all spectrometers use prisms, some use mirrors that have thousands of tiny grooves dug into them , to diffract the light at different angles. The purpose of a spectrometer is to determine the spectrum from different substances. That is why it is used, as mentioned before, in many different industries to evaluate the purity of their manufactured materials. If the aforementioned industries were not enough of an example, other places where spectrometers are used are at crime scenes. During criminal investigations, spectrometers can be used to find traces of biological and chemical remains, and can be used to help identify DNA matches, and are helpful to determine causes of fires, chemical reactions, and explosions. More advanced purposes of spectrometer’s are taking readings of planets and other celestial bodies in the sky. Spectroscopes allow us to view the infrared and ultraviolet rays radiating from planets and suns in outer space, and give us more accurate readings on finding other habitable planets, or just more planets in general. The price of a spectrometer will greatly vary; depending on the use you need it for. A small portable spectrometer can start at approximately $110 and range to about $750. A large, laboratory based spectrometer can range from $11,000 and reach upwards to skyrocket in price. And even furthermore, the spectrometer’s used in outer space, the one on the Hubble Telescope, cost multiple million and even billion dollars. The durability of the device depends on the usage and price. One can expect a laboratory spectrometer to last longer than a hand held one taken out into the field, as it may be dropped, lost, forgotten, or any other of many misfortunes. Spectrometers out in space are subject to zero gravity, no atmospheric pressure, and no erosion so this makes them more resistant to damage. On the other hand, they run the risk of being damaged in space related collisions (though it is a bit farfetched). In the end, this is the information about spectrometers. This covers their usage, design, durability, prices, and some other random information about these devices. Now that you know all about them, don’t you want to go out and buy one for yourself?

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Free Essays on Bruce Dawe

Poetic techniques allow the experience to be represented in an intense and compressed way. Discuss how ‘The Raped Girl’s Father’ in light of this statement. Subject Matter The poem ‘the Raped Girls Father’ Bruce Dawe talks about the grief that the father of the victim of a vicious, unprompted rape goes through. The poem also describes the victim’s loneliness and vivid recollection of the rape as she is on her own as her mother tries to console her father. Purpose/Theme The theme is as much on the event of the rape but of the damage it causes to the victim and and the people around them. There can also be a gender reading to this play the fathers pride and maybe social standing has been challenged, this, I think the poet is trying to say, and be it very sarcastically, that the condolence should be shown to the father instead of the victim, the daughter. Emotion The extreme anger that the father shows is expressed when the poet says, The buzz-saw whine of righteous anger rose Murderously in his throat throughout the night, The metaphor used when he compares his anger to that of a ‘buzz-saw’ gives the poem another dimension when sound or the comparison to sound is introduced. The whine of a buzz-saw is intense, so much so that anyone around it would want to put ear muffs on in fear of becoming deaf. The comparison to this piece of machinery and the fathers rage creates a powerful image of the fathers intense anger. The loneliness of the victim and her need to be comforted is shown when Bruce Dawe writes, long after she had watched her mother close the door to, and the honeyed wedge of light was eaten by the dark, his voice whirred on, and in that darker dark in which she lay she felt rasp on the naked bone the personification used when Bruce Dawe writes ‘and the honeyed wedge of light/was eaten by the dark and his voice whirred on’ is starts to put an emphasis on the girls loneliness and t... Free Essays on Bruce Dawe Free Essays on Bruce Dawe Poetic techniques allow the experience to be represented in an intense and compressed way. Discuss how ‘The Raped Girl’s Father’ in light of this statement. Subject Matter The poem ‘the Raped Girls Father’ Bruce Dawe talks about the grief that the father of the victim of a vicious, unprompted rape goes through. The poem also describes the victim’s loneliness and vivid recollection of the rape as she is on her own as her mother tries to console her father. Purpose/Theme The theme is as much on the event of the rape but of the damage it causes to the victim and and the people around them. There can also be a gender reading to this play the fathers pride and maybe social standing has been challenged, this, I think the poet is trying to say, and be it very sarcastically, that the condolence should be shown to the father instead of the victim, the daughter. Emotion The extreme anger that the father shows is expressed when the poet says, The buzz-saw whine of righteous anger rose Murderously in his throat throughout the night, The metaphor used when he compares his anger to that of a ‘buzz-saw’ gives the poem another dimension when sound or the comparison to sound is introduced. The whine of a buzz-saw is intense, so much so that anyone around it would want to put ear muffs on in fear of becoming deaf. The comparison to this piece of machinery and the fathers rage creates a powerful image of the fathers intense anger. The loneliness of the victim and her need to be comforted is shown when Bruce Dawe writes, long after she had watched her mother close the door to, and the honeyed wedge of light was eaten by the dark, his voice whirred on, and in that darker dark in which she lay she felt rasp on the naked bone the personification used when Bruce Dawe writes ‘and the honeyed wedge of light/was eaten by the dark and his voice whirred on’ is starts to put an emphasis on the girls loneliness and t...

Saturday, October 19, 2019

President Obama says he'd talk on GOP's terms if they raise debt Essay

President Obama says he'd talk on GOP's terms if they raise debt ceiling, fund government - Essay Example However, the Republicans, led by the speaker of the congress are against this position held by Obama’s administration. To him, what Obama is trying to do, is to force his point of view to the republicans, as a condition of engaging into talks with them (Acosta, Tom and Deirdre, 4). Mitt Romney disagrees with this method that Republican congress men are employing for purposes of preventing the implementation of Obama care (Pham, 2). Romney denotes that there are other methods of getting rid of the Obama care health plan, and this includes delaying its implementation for almost over one year (Pham, 1). According to Mitt Romney, this health care policy will ruin the American economy, and therefore it is necessary to prevent it. Romney further denotes that methods such as educating the population against this policy are also an effective method of preventing the implementation of President Obama policies on health. He gave an example of the 21 hour speech of Senator Cruz, in which he strongly criticized the Obama health care plan. To him, this plan would ruin the American economy, and state. Other methods that Romney proposes include working hard in the campaigns for purposes of ensuring that the republicans gain the control of the congress and the senate. By doing this, they will be able to prevent bills that would work against their interests. The reasons as to why the republicans are not right in forcing a government shutdown, is that the economy of the nation might go into a recession. There is a possibility that the country’s stock market might fail, and over 800,000 federal employees might lose their work (Pham, 3). Romney therefore urges his fellow Republicans to desist from using such draconian measures in forcing the government of president Obama from implementing his health care reforms. This is because such measures are not patriotic, and there effect will be felt through the collapse of the country’s economy. Lately, for purposes of ending the stalemate, the republicans agreed for a temporary measure of funding the federal government initiatives. This measure is attached with a condition that the government won’t attempt to fund any additional policies, other than what was in the budget. The temporary offer would last for six weeks, when both the government and the republicans negotiate on the way forward in regard to implementing Obama care, and reducing the country’s debts. President Clinton also opposes this move by the Republican congress men. According to Clinton, the Republican wants the government of America to fail by denying it money to fund its activities. This is not what the founders of nation advocated for, during the creation of the federation. He further denotes that the proposals by the Republican congress is draconian, and is meant to erase the gains made by President Obama in taking the country out of recession. This move by the Republican congress men will lead to an increase i n unemployment, and to higher standards of living, therefore President Obama is right to refuse negotiating with these congress men based on their demands. According to Clinton, the rate of unemployment has decreased, and the country is nearly reducing its deficit. On this basis, the action by the Republican to cause the shutdown of the government is unwise, and therefore uncalled for. One of the methods that I would suggest in ending this stalemate is for the President and the Republicans to

Friday, October 18, 2019

Relational Database Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Relational Database - Assignment Example This assists the user in matching the data with the help of common characteristics contained in the data set including the relation or tables. Relationships play a role in making the data more organized and manageable. This helps the user in perceiving the real concept of design of the database. This also increases the integrity of data through proper arrangement of the data which is logically related into distinct relations. Thinking about the efficiency of database and relationships is an essential component of the normalization process (, n.d.). A relationship is a prime component of the relational database as it develops an association between the logically related pair of tables. The data contained by each of the two tables is the bonding agent between the pair of tables. Relationship if properly defined promotes relationship-level integrity, that in turn ensures the reliability and strength of the relationship (eTutorials, 2012). In addition to that, relationships mak e it possible for the user to perform algebraic operations upon the tables. Division of the elements of a data into the related tables is one of the most challenging tasks of designing a relational database. Once the user is all set to begin work with the data, the user depends upon the relationships among individual tables so that the data can be pulled together in purposeful ways. For example, information about a particular order is of no use if the user does not know the customer who has placed it. Nevertheless, the customer and the information about his/her order are not stored in the same table. Instead of this, the user stores the customer data and the order in two tables that are interrelated. The very relationship between the tables is used to view both the order and the customer data simultaneously. Relationships are the cornerstone when the normalized tables play the role of foundations of the relational database Relationships also help prevent the redundant data in a rela tional database (Microsoft Support, 2011). Defining Relationships between Two Tables A very essential characteristic of the database design is the use of relationships between tables. Defining relationships between tables is very essential for efficient working of the system. â€Å"Relationships between tables are often missing for performance reasons† (Olson, 2009, p. 111). Relationships between two tables are defined through the database system which depends upon matching the values contained in the two tables. When matching values are located, the database system retrieves data from the two tables so that a virtual record can be established. For example, let’s suppose an individual wants to view all the perfumes made by a certain brand. In this example, the database system would locate matching values between the tables of Perfumes and Brands. It is noteworthy here that in a vast majority of cases, the record which results is dynamic that essentially means that chan ges which are made to the virtual record normally identify the path to the underlying table. The matching values that the database system finds include the foreign and primary key values. It is not necessary for a relational model to base the relationship upon a primary key. The user can make use of any candidate key from the table. However, the standard practice requires the use of primary key only. When the primary key of one table is put into another table, a foreign key is formed. All a user needs to do is add the field of the primary key as a foreign key to the

Using Manipulatives in Teaching Math for High School Students with Research Paper

Using Manipulatives in Teaching Math for High School Students with Learning Disabilities - Research Paper Example Manupilatives are used to bridge the gap between informal Math and formal Math. To achieve these objectives manupilatives used in classroom instruction must fit the development level of the students (Case et al, 2009). Young students have counters while older students use coloured wooden rods that represent difficult numbers. Maccini, & Hughes (2006) stated that according to the Principles and Standards for School Mathematics. Manupilatives existed since time in memorial, and it is crucial for teaching students at all levels in order for them to aqcuire knowledge in Mathematics. High school students with learning disabilities require the use of manupilsatives to ease understanding Mathematics. Moyer-Packenham, Salkind, & Bolyard, (2008)) suggested that students with learning disabilities may develop more concept understanding of difficult concepts when using virtual manipulatives than those that do not have learning disabilities. This review attempts to review studies conducted on th e use of manupilatives in teaching math for high school students with leaning disabilities. The purpose of this paper is to examine the importance and benefits of math manipulatives among students with learning disabilities. 2.2 Literature review Several Mathematics topics can be taught using different manupilatives. These materials should foster students concepts of numerals, geometry, measurements, problems, solving and data analysis (Moyer et al, 2008). The teachers can use counters, blocks cubes and cuboids to teach ordinal numbers, place values, fractions and understanding algebra. Students with learning disabilities can use geoboards when learning geometric shapes, and geometrics solid models can be used when learning spatial reasoning. Rulers and measuring cups can be used to represent length and volume in measurement, and students can use spinners when learning probability. A case study conducted by Puchner, Taylor, O’Donnell, and Fick (2008) they analyzed the use of manupilatives in teaching Mathematics at the elementary level. He decided to use manupilatives rather than using learning outcomes of the learners. The study found that in some of the Mathematics lessons, studied the use of manupilatives is turned into an end in itself rather than an instructional tool. While others, the use of manupilatives failed to help students with learning disabilities. Puchner, et al (2008) in their study noted that this weakness occurred because the teachers concentrated in content teaching and the end product in itself. In other situation, the use of manupilatives was separated from the actual teaching, and in second grade, the students copied the teachers’ examples making it difficult to learn Mathematics content. This misuse of manupilatives provided the researcher with further areas of research. The researchers also found that teachers needed support in the selection of manupilative used in teaching Mathematics among students with learning disabil ities. A study conducted by Munger (2007) where, in the experimental group, the teachers used manupilative models to teach Mathematics and the control group the teacher mainly used drawings and charts while teaching Mathematics. He conducted an analysis of covaerience, and it revealed that the experimental group using the manupilatives when teaching scored significantly higher than the control group that used drawings and charts. More research studies reveal that students who use manupilatives

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Human Resource Management Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Human Resource Management - Case Study Example Even though the goals may be consistent, short-term goals may undermine strategies for achieving long-term goals. Short-term goal and long-term goal for improved profitability illustrate the conflict. Focus on short-term profitability goal through reduced expenses and increased workload is likely to cause lack of motivation among employees and lead to underperformance and employee turnover after a period. These will then lead to low level of production and high cost of personnel recruitment and training. High-level profitability may then be achieved in the short-run but it conflicts with long-term profitability objectives. Short-term profitability objectives may also force managers and employees to use unethical practices either to achieve desired targets or to misrepresent data to create the impression of achieved targets. As a manager in the described situation, I should resign from my position instead of deceiving people or harming the business. This is because of ethical values of integrity, honesty, and beneficence, and ethical theories of utilitarianism and deontology that requires operations to be consistent with existing regulations and to avoid harm (Bredenson,

Spectator Article Historical Critique Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Spectator Article Historical Critique - Essay Example The Eighteenth century was still a time when suspected witches are condemned to death and that practice of witchcraft is widely seen as diabolical. So, understandably, the subject is extremely religious in nature. Addison, however, focused on the social dimension to the subject. The author started with a disclaimer – that on the issue of witchcraft, having to choose sides is tantamount to doing an injustice because the circumstances that lead people to accuse others as witches would be an uninformed judgment especially that those being accused are in danger of being put to death. He emphasized that one can never know for certain that an individual is a witch or that does practice evil magic. He declared that â€Å"there is, and has been such a thing as Witch-craft,† but that, at the same time cannot give credit to any particular instance of it. A crucial point raised by Addison was how appearances often fool people into thinking and assuming theories and myths about the m. In his narration regarding his encounter with Moll White, the alleged witch, he first painted the stereotypical individual who would not only scare others but also would be defenseless and unable to protect themselves against the malevolence and cruelty of others. Moll White was old, alone and poor. She was physically unpleasing and handicapped that people came to equate her presence to that of the devil and all misfortunes and ill omen that befall on the village. Though she was allowed to live with the community (though with constant threats of eviction), she was the usual suspect when catastrophe would strike. At the church, people are especially critical even when she say her prayer. Addison was subtle in his suggestion that witches were punished not because of magic but because they were undesirable people, outcasts who became convenient targets and escape goats for the inadequacies of humanity. A very strong accusation was hurled against the community when Addison pointed ou t that when Moll started to became a burden to the community, she was conveniently branded as a witch. People started spinning yarns about her, scaring children and each other with tales their own concoctions. Even Moll, herself, observed Addison, started believing that she may be a witch after all. What happened was that the community wanted to get rid of one of its members who can no longer contribute something and had the misfortune of having been born ugly or infirm. Morality restrains them from taking more crude actions such as killing or outright eviction and so they used witchcraft as a pretext to harass poor souls such as Moll White and punish them in the process. Unfortunately, up until the eighteenth century, witchcraft is one of the few crimes that require very little material evidence. As a matter of fact, the often cited pins by â€Å"witnesses† are enough to show the guilt of an accused witch. Out of all the points raised by this paper, there emerges the fact th at Addison’s time is slowly shifting into a more liberal society wherein education and industrialization helped to enlighten people. Addison’s attitude on the matter is a demonstration of this. The Wenham case cited earlier, which was seen as the actual object of interest in this essay, was actually the last witch trial in England. A

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Human Resource Management Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Human Resource Management - Case Study Example Even though the goals may be consistent, short-term goals may undermine strategies for achieving long-term goals. Short-term goal and long-term goal for improved profitability illustrate the conflict. Focus on short-term profitability goal through reduced expenses and increased workload is likely to cause lack of motivation among employees and lead to underperformance and employee turnover after a period. These will then lead to low level of production and high cost of personnel recruitment and training. High-level profitability may then be achieved in the short-run but it conflicts with long-term profitability objectives. Short-term profitability objectives may also force managers and employees to use unethical practices either to achieve desired targets or to misrepresent data to create the impression of achieved targets. As a manager in the described situation, I should resign from my position instead of deceiving people or harming the business. This is because of ethical values of integrity, honesty, and beneficence, and ethical theories of utilitarianism and deontology that requires operations to be consistent with existing regulations and to avoid harm (Bredenson,

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Int'l Quality Management System - TQM Project Research Paper

Int'l Quality Management System - TQM Project - Research Paper Example The head office and factory is situated in Arabian Desert, some kilometers away from Dubai International Airport. Its other branches are found in China, Sudan, Bangladesh, Iran and India. The company offers a complete solution with it diversification into tile adhesives and related products in a joint-venture with Laticrete International, Inc. USA, a joint-venture with German-based Kludi to manufacture a range to taps, faucets and accessories for sanitary ware products. RAK ceramics started its operation in Saudi Arabia because of the area’s largest market due to high living standards and a rising economy with brand-conscious people (Ryan,2000). The major shareholder of this company is its founder, Sheikh Saud Alquasimi, who is also the Ruler of Ras Al Khaimah. i) The company faces tough competition from national and regional players in most of the countries. Some of the competitors are Kajaria Ceramics, H&R Johnson India, Asian Granito India, Nitco Tiles and Somany Ceramics. Total Quality Management (TQM) is a philosophy of an organization in which it focuses on the core activities of the organization and ensures that the customer’s needs are satisfied. The key components of an organization are the quality and the reduction of waste. The organization implements the Total Quality management by starting at the top levels of the organization. This requires that the top management of the organization do not only embrace the concepts of TQM but also ensure satisfaction of the organizations customers (Charantimath,2011). The organization can ensure that the customers receive satisfaction through promoting the customer needs first. It is thus imperative that the organization implement the Total Quality Management for it to achieve its objectives. The implementation of the TQM is very significant in the organization in that after its implementation, the

Deviance Behavior and the Possible Causes Essay Example for Free

Deviance Behavior and the Possible Causes Essay Some may say its biological or psychological and even sociological reasons. There have been many studies to try and determine why people have deviant behavior and what happens to individuals when norms are broken. Not all behaviors are judged the same by all groups. For example, some may question if there are conditions under which suicide is an acceptable behavior. Lets same one person commits suicide in the face of a terminal illness but another person is a despondent person who jumps from a window, the second person may be judged differently. The first person’s suicide may be looked at with pity which the second person would be looked at in a shameful way. Another behavior that would highly be considered deviant would be committing a crime. For example, juvenile gangs provide an environment where young people learn to become criminals. Gang members glorify violence and retaliation as means to achieve social status. Whether it is an act of a crime or gang violence, criminals learn to be deviant as they embrace and conform to their street or gang’s norms. Americans consider such activities as alcoholism, excessive gambling, being nude in public, starting fires, stealing, lying, prostitution, and being gay to name only a few as being deviant. Therefore people who engage in deviant behavior are referred to as deviants. References Richard T. Schaefer. (2012). Sociology A Brief Introduction (Tenth Edition). McGraw-Hill Companies Inc, New York. Sociology of Deviance and Crime. (2013) By Ashley Crossman.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Advantages And Disadvantages Of Internet Information Technology Essay

Advantages And Disadvantages Of Internet Information Technology Essay Research can be defined as the search for knowledge or as any systematic investigation to establish facts. The primary purpose for applied research as opposed to basic research is discovering, interpreting, and the development of methods and systems for the advancement of human knowledge on a wide variety of scientific matters of our world and the universe. Internet has been perhaps the most outstanding innovation in the field of communication in the history of mankind. As with every single innovation, internet has its own advantages and disadvantages. But usually, greater magnitude of advantages outweighs its disadvantages. The word research is used to describe a number of similar and often overlapping activities involving a search for information. For example, each of the following activities involves such a search; but the differences are significant and worth examining. Ten years ago, the term internet was practically anonymous to most of the people. And today internet has become the most ever powerful tool for man throughout the world. The internet is a collection of various services and resources. Although, many people still think e-mail and World Wide Web as the principle constituents of internet, there is lot more in store than e-mail, chat rooms, celebrity web sites and search engines. It also became the best business tool of modern scenario. Today internet has brought a globe in a single room.. Advantages The Internet provides many facilities to the people. The main advantages of Internet are discussed below: Information: Information is probably the biggest advantage internet is offering. The Internet is a virtual treasure trove of information. Any kind of information on any topic under the sun is available on the Internet. The search engines like Google, yahoo is at your service on the Internet. You can almost find any type of data on almost any kind of subject that you are looking for. There is a huge amount of information available on the internet for just about every subject known to man, ranging from government law and services, trade fairs and conferences, market information, new ideas and technical support, the list is end less. Students and children are among the top users who surf the Internet for research. Today, it is almost required that students should use the Internet for research for the purpose of gathering resources. Teachers have started giving assignments that require research on the Internet. Almost every coming day, researches on medical issues become much easier to locate. Numerous web sites available on the net are offering loads of information for people to research diseases and talk to doctors online at sites such as, Americaà ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ã‚ ¢s Doctor. During 1998 over 20 million people reported going online to retrieve health information. Time: A second advantage is that Internet-based survey research may save time for researchers. As already noted, online surveys allow a researcher to reach thousands of people with common characteristics in a short amount of time, despite possibly being separated by great geographic distances (Bachmann Elfrink, 1996; Garton et al., 2003; Taylor, 2000; Yun Trumbo, 2000). Cost: Online survey researchers can also save money by moving to an electronic medium from a paper format (Bachmann Elfrink, 1996; Couper, 2000; Llieva et al., 2002; Yun Trumbo, 2000). Paper surveys tend to be costly, even when using a relatively small sample and the costs of a traditional large-scale survey using mailed questionnaires can be enormous. The use of online surveys circumvents this problem by eliminating the need for paper and other costs, such as those incurred through postage, printing, and data entry (Llieva et al., 2002; Watt, 1999; Witmer et al., 1999). Access to Unique Populations: One advantage of online survey research is that it takes advantage of the ability of the Internet to provide access to groups and individuals who would be difficult, if not impossible, to reach through other channels (Garton, Haythornthwaite, Wellman, 1999; Wellman, 1997). In many cases, communities and groups exist only in cyberspace. For example, it would be difficult to find a large, concentrated group of people conducting face-to-face discussions of topics such as cyber-stalking, online stock trading, and the pros and cons of virtual dating. While people certainly discuss such issues among friends, family members, and co-workers, few meet face-to-face in large groups to discuss them Communication: The foremost target of internet has always been the communication. And internet has excelled beyond the expectations .Still; innovations are going on to make it faster, more reliable. By the advent of computerà ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ã‚ ¢s Internet, our earth has reduced and has attained the form of a global village. Now we can communicate in a fraction of second with a person who is sitting in the other part of the world. Today for better communication, we can avail the facilities of e-mail; we can chat for hours with our loved ones. There are plenty messenger services in offering. With help of such services, it has become very easy to establish a kind of global friendship where you can share your thoughts, can explore other cultures of different ethnicity Collection of Information: A lot of information of different types is stored on the web server on the Internet. It means that billions websites contain different information in the form of text and pictures. You can easily collect information on every topic of the world. For this purpose, special websites, called search engines are available on the Internet to search information of every topic of the world. The most popular search engines are,,, etc. The scientists, writers, engineers and many other people use these search engines to collect latest information for different purposes. Usually, the information on the Internet is free of cost. The information on the Internet is available 24 hours a day Online Airlines and Railway Schedules: Many Airline companies and Pakistan Railway provide their schedules of flights and trains respectively on the Internet. E-Commerce: Ecommerce is the concept used for any type of commercial manoeuvring, or business deals that involves the transfer of information across the globe via Internet. It has become a phenomenon associated with any kind of shopping, almost anything. You name it and Ecommerce with its giant tentacles engulfing every single product and service will make you available at your door steps. It has got a real amazing and wide range of products from household needs, technology to entertainment Searching Jobs: You can search different types of jobs all over the world, Most of the organizations/departments around the world, advertise their vacant vacancies on the Internet. The search engines are also used to search the jobs on Internet. You can apply for the required job through Internet. Disadvantages Internet has many advantages but it also has some disadvantages. These are as follows: Accuracy of Information: A lot of information about a particular topic is stored on the websites. Some of the information may be incorrect the correct information may be confused or not authentic. Wastage of times A lot of time is wasted to collect the information on the Internet. Some people waste a lot of time in chatting or to play games. At home and offices, most of the people use Internet without positive purpose. Virus threat: Virus is nothing but a program which disrupts the normal functioning of your computer systems. Computers attached to internet are more prone to virus attacks and they can end up into crashing your whole hard disk, causing you considerable headache. Immorality: Some websites contains immoral materials in the form of text, pictures or movies etc. These websites damage the character of new generation CONCLUSION In conclusion, internet data collection offers many advantages, but also has some disadvantages. Researchers must carefully consider their needs in light of the challenges and benefits it can present. Even though there are arguments against theft of personal information on the use of internet for research purposes, researchers may be experiencing grave danger as personal information such as name, address, bank details can be accessed by other culprits to make problems worse. Though, information are widely available on the internet making research less expensive in terms manpower hour used, the school of taught question the authenticity of some of the information available. Pornography is perhaps the biggest threat related to childrenà ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ã‚ ¢s healthy mental life. Very serious situations regarding the internet. There are thousands of pornographic sites on the internet that can be easily found and can be a detrimental factor to letting children use the internet Academics from different universities can come together to pursue the same research cost effectively, discussing on daily basis using video conferencing, virtual community etc. without moving out of their geographical locations all by the aid of internet technology. Though, internet can also create devastation, destruction and its misuse can be calamity, I can still argue that the advantages of it outweigh its disadvantages

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Workplace Ergonomics, Ergonomics Assessment, Ergonomics Training Essay

Workplace Ergonomics, Ergonomics Assessment, Ergonomics Training In the past, most businesses have strived for high production at low cost. This strategy resulted in the highest profit for a company. When in reality to many businesses, this was only a mirage. This was because the â€Å"lower cost† of the business usually resulted in a â€Å"higher cost† for the employees. This lower cost for businesses may have meant lower quality workplace items, lower salaries, less benefits, etc. These lower costs created an upset workplace environment for the employees. This upset has help found a new branch of science called Ergonomics. â€Å"Ergonomics is a relatively new branch of science which celebrates its 50th anniversary in 1999, but relies on research carried out in many other older established scientific areas, such as engineering, physiology, and psychology.† ( Once it became clear that businesses needed to take into account the human environment factors that faced their employees it resulted in the discipline of ergonomics. There exist many different things in the workplace that add to stress and injuries. They range from lifting heavy boxes to typing too much on the keyboard. However, the focus on this paper will be on the principals of ergonomics in the office and computer environment. Exactly, what is ergonomics? â€Å"Ergonomics, or Human Factors as it is known in North America, is a branch of science that aims to learn about human abilities and limitations and then apply that knowledge to improve people’s interaction with products, systems and environments.† ( â€Å"The word, ergonomics, is derived from the greek words ergos meaning â€Å"work† and nomos mean... ...avis, Christine E. – Roth M.P.T. UCLA Ergonomics – RSI General Anatomy. ( F-One Ergonomics. Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA. Office ergonomics for arms & hands. ( F-One Ergonomics. Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA. Low Back Pain Ergonomics. ( Decorating – By Room – Office – Ergonomics. ( Ó, Inc. 1999-2000. Kobler, Ellen MS, MA, OTR, CHT, CIE. Diversified Ergonomics. ( S. Systems Corporation. Carpal Tunnel and Repetitive Motion Injury. ( Ó1994, 1999. The Ergonomics Society. Ergonomics Society Ergonomics. ( Ó1996-2000 The Ergonomics Society.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Teletubbies Essay -- Teletubbies Toddler Learning Education Essays

Teletubbies Who (or what) are the "Teletubbies?" Many people are familiar with this relatively new cultural phenomenon, but for those who are not, they are rather hard to describe. They appear on a PBS television program designed for toddlers. One newspaper writer has described them as "four roly-poly futuristic rugrats." They are brightly colored, alien-like technological babies, complete with baby talk and giggles. They live in a hilly, pastoral land, full of flowers and bunnies and sunshine, as well as technological gadgets, such as their caretaker/vacuum cleaner named Noo-Noo. They each have their own personalities and favorite toys, and they have taken America, as well as much of the world, by storm. PBS contends that the television series "is designed to encourage curiosity and to stimulate imagination" in young children: to help them learn. The creators of the program, which began in Britain, conducted research with children, nursery school teachers, and linguists. The co-creator and writer, Andrew Davenport, has a degree in Speech Sciences. "Teletubbies" makes use of bright colors, music, repetition, and a slow pace, because this is how young children learn, according to the current research on education. Michael Brunton, in an article in Time, said that "people are missing the point" when they criticize the repetition and hear the baby-talk of the teletubbies. "Teletubbies is in fact closely modeled around the latest theories of speech that identify patterns of movement, a sing-song voice,...repetition and social interaction as key building blocks." These views have been widely publicized, as has been the idea that young children learn the most, and most rapidly, befor e the age of three. PBS also... ...eir tummies come from--the devil? The show's repetition and music, and use of objects that are familiar to children seemed to be the key. My son was very attentive during all 3 episodes. He said, "girl" and "book", "bucket" and "rabbit", and "baby" as the cute sun with the baby face in it came on. The show uses things that are common in the world of children, and they are confident in themselves when they recognize these things. My son would look at me and smile as he recognized each object and said each word. Ok, so by the 3rd episode my husband went to wash the dishes. By the 3rd episode my 2 year old wanted to stand right in front of the television. After 1 1/2 hours of watching the "Teletubbies," my husband asked my son, "Are you brainwashed yet. I think I am. I feel like having some tubby custard." This is about as harmful as the teletubbies get.

Friday, October 11, 2019

FIN Assignment

At that point, when it disperses the unifies to the shareholders (as profits), the shareholders need to pay assesses on the profits. Fundamentally, the same wage gets burdened twice. You can stay away from this by making the corporation a â€Å"S corporation†, which implies the corporation does not pay any government wage charge itself – rather the shareholders pay assess on their offer of the corporation's benefits. This is accessible just for corporations with few shareholders. A â€Å"sole partnership† does not by any stretch of the imagination exist. You likely mean sole proprietorship.This is the point at which somebody runs heir business without the security of a corporation, partnership or limited liability organization (LLC) or any possible legal entity that ensures the managers from being subject for the business. A â€Å"partnership† is a legal entity that gives the same assessment preferences as â€Å"S corporation† – the partnersh ip does not pay any salary charge. Partnerships come in 2 essential structures: A â€Å"general partnership† is a manifestation of business where each one accomplice is subject for the other accomplice's exercises identifying with the business.This is clearly not a cent alternative, since limited liability is one of the primary focal points of structuring a business entity. A â€Å"limited partnership† is the place the accomplices have â€Å"limited liability† like a corporation. An alternate manifestation of association is the LLC – this provides for you the same â€Å"limited liability† as a corporation or limited partnership, and provides for you the same tax reductions as a â€Å"S corporation† or partnership. 2. Owners' liability' (is) limited to the amount they invested in the firm.Stockholders (are not) responsible for any encumbrances of the firm; in reticular, they (cannot) be required to pay back any debts incurred by the firm. 3. A limited liability company, or LLC, is a manifestation of business association that takes into account limited liability for the owner(s). It considers an unlimited number of parts and provides for them the liability shield that they may not have generally reveled in had they framed as a straightforward association, yet at the same time keeping up the majority of the levy profits managed by an organization.As a result of these double profits, the shareholders, or â€Å"Parts† as they are known whether some piece of a LLC, fundamentally delight in the same sorts f limited liability security that a corporation offers, with not many special cases, and in the meantime, additionally revel in certain expense focal points, including, yet not limited to, pass-through tariff and association treatment by the IRS. These focal points make All's extremely alluring for certain business dealings and wanders.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Advantages of Internet for Students

Advantages Of Internet For Students Nevertheless, students and teachers have experienced following 10 advantages of Internet. 1. Assortment of Information Lots of information of different kinds is kept on the web server on the Net. This means that millions web sites include various data in the shape of images and text. On every subject of the planet information can be easily collected by you. For this function, special sites, called search engines can be found on the Internet to search data of each and every subject of the planet. . Online Medical Guidance Several web sites will also be on the Web to obtain details about various conditions. You are able to consult with a cell of on-line physicians to obtain guidance about any medical problem. In addition, lots of material can also be on the Web for research in medical industry. 3. Looking for Jobs You are able to search various kinds of jobs throughout their vacant vacancies are advertised by the world, Most of the organizations/depa rtments around the world, on the web.The search engines will also be employed to search the jobs on the web. You are able to make an application for the necessary work through the Web. 4. Communication You are able to keep in touch with other through Internet all over the world. You could speak by seeing to 1 another; only you’re speaking with your pals in your drawing room. For this function, various services are supplied on the Internet such as; speaking, video conferencing, Email and Internet telephone an such like. 5. InformationThe Web enables students to see the most recent news on a particular topic they’re learning. If they’re learning American politics they may do an information search and discover what is happening on the planet of politics at that very time. It will help them link what they’re understanding how to real life. Additionally, it may keep them thinking about a topic. 6. Online Training The facility is provided by the internet to obt ain an online training. Several web sites of different colleges offer lessons and classes on different subjects or subjects.You may also obtain these classes or lessons in your personal computer. You are able to hear these classes repeatedly and obtain a large amount of understanding. It’s very simple and cheap method to get training. 7. Encyclopedia Occasionally, encyclopedia mightn’t constantly be accessible to individuals and so they might have trouble with in getting the use of the actual guides within the selection. If that’s the case, the encyclopedia of various topics on the Web could be useful. 8. Online Railway and Airplane SchedulesToday, railway and several Airline businesses offer their timing of trains and routes respectively on the web. 9. Online Results Today, all of the training boards and colleges present result on the web. Their results can be watched by the students from any kind of nation or world. 10. Advertisement Today, products are advert ised by most of the commercial organizations through Internet. It’s effective and inexpensive method for the marketing of goods. The services and products could be given lovely and attractive method to the people round the world.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Critically assess the contention that temperate forests are in Essay

Critically assess the contention that temperate forests are in equilibrium with climate - Essay Example librium with its climate by considering paleocological studies concerned with the effects of climate change to ancient forests as well as more recent studies of the ;problem of global warming and its effects on temperate forests. Do temperate forests exhibit stability in terms of cover, biodiversity and function in the carbon cycle? What is causing temperate forests to decline if it is indeed in equilibrium with climate? The article â€Å"Forests and climate change† (FAO Corporate Document Repository) states that forests serve an important function in the environmental balance as a carbon pool. A carbon pool is the storage area where carbon dioxide is released or stored. The rate of exchange normally depends on the life cycle of the forest elements. Ideally, the forests are in a state of a perpetual carbon sink, which is defined as a system in which there is more carbon going in than out. Equally admirable is when the amount of carbon absorbed from the atmosphere is equal to the amount of carbon released back into the environment. Unfortunately, especially since the Industrial revolution, this balance has been upset to an increasing degree until the effects of the climate system imbalance has become too severe to be ignored. There have been several efforts in limiting, and hopefully eventually eradicating, this imbalance, with minimal success. One of the more seemingly ecologically correct notions is to implement forest management policies to preserve existing forests and to extend its area through afforestation. Dudley states the preservation of the old temperate forests would be of benefit to the ecology. However, he further implies that the establishment of newer, faster-growing but ecologically unfit forests would be detrimental to the cause of ecological salvaging. Temperate forests are found mainly in western and central Europe, the eastern side of North America and northeastern Asia. These are scattered all over the middle and high latitudes although

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Criminological Theory Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1

Criminological Theory - Essay Example Research has proven that factors such as possession of particular genes, low levels of serotonin activity, neurological deficits, malnutrition and environmental pollution to a large extent increase the likelihood of an individual engaging in criminal activities. Lack of nutrients and mineral has a negative impact on the physical growth, cognitive development and intellectual growth of an individual and high or low levels of some minerals such as sodium, calcium and amino acids has been found to lead to cognitive dysfunctions, loss of memory and maniac behaviour which lead to increased propensity to engage in criminal behaviour. Steven Mobley, was arrested and convicted of murder for shooting the manager of Domino’s Pizza store, his lawyers presented his case for litigation as that Mobley had a history of behavioural disorders, which might have resulted in a genetic disorder that was beyond his control, they requested for funding to prove this claim that was rejected (Mobley vs State, 1995). Sociological theories Sociological theories in explaining crime causation try to relate the chances of an individual becoming a criminal to social factors such as the social structures including ethnicity, class, religion and language. Other theories emphasise on the importance of social conditions in increasing the probability of an individual engaging in criminal activities, these theories are more interested in explaining the relationship between crime and factors such as social inequality, peer, influence and social disorganisation within a community, the consequences of individuals’ inability to achieve social success. Individuals who have been brought up in communities where criminal activities are encouraged are more likely to engage in criminal activities than those where3 the activity is abhorred. In addition, difference in social classes and peer influence are likely to encourage an individual to engage in criminal activities in order to fit or as a m eans of revenging against people of higher social classes whom they view to have gained the wealth at their expense. 17 year old boy was accused of killing a woman through stabbing and strangling her, in his defence he argued that he had killed because of watching a movie titled ‘A clockwork Orange’ several times which inspired him to do bad things. The Clockwork Orange movie is about a young Briton with an empty stare who always acts according to his impulses. The movie portrays the character with his gang being involved in rape incidences in the streets of London, it was criticised for the levels of violence in it and later withdrawn from circulation in the country (Anonymous, 1990). . Psychological theories Psychological theories in explaining the propensity of an individual to engage in criminal activity are concerned with the relationship between crime and personality traits, social factors, cognitive and developmental factors, these theories focus on individuals, family or the societal psychology. Research on the psychological aspect of explaining criminal behaviour show that developmental factors such as parental supervision, neglect, child-rearing practices, attachment, abuse and the parent own behaviour or engagement in criminal activ

Monday, October 7, 2019

Wireless microphone Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Wireless microphone - Essay Example In this scenario, Moores attached the wireless transmitter inside the clothes used by the character Abanazar, and it was an excellent experiment which worked exactly according to plan. However, Moores could not get a patent for his idea for the reason that he was not legally making use of the radio frequency 76 MHz. Hence, it was decided by the producers of the ice show that they would stop making use of this wireless device; and instead of this device they would employ singers and actors in order to perform using secret microphones for dubbing voices of the other ice skaters in order that they could be freed to focus on their skating (Boly Electronics., 2010). In addition, Moores mentioned his prototype of 1947 in the Science Museum in London in the 1972. Since the first usage of wireless microphone it is being used in different forms in different places. A model of wireless microphone introduced in 1958 was manufactured by Sony which was called Sony CR-4 in 1960 and this wireless microphone was being suggested for nightclub acts and theatre performances. As mentioned above, a large number of manufacturers and individuals claim that they are the actual inventors of wireless microphone. In this scenario, Beyerdynamic that is a German equipment manufacturer, claims that the first wireless microphone was transistophone which was invented by Hung C. Lin., However, it appeared in the public in 1962. In addition, in 1964 wireless microphone was used for the first in a film in order to record sound while filming a motion picture in the 1964 film My Fair Lady. First compander wireless microphone came with Wider dynamic range in 1976, which was pr oduced by Nady Systems. Additionally, The Rolling Stones and Todd Rundgren were the first famous musicians that made use of these systems during a live concert. In 1996, Nady, Sennheiser, CBS and Vega got a combined

Sunday, October 6, 2019

How to avoid making email a career-ending Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

How to avoid making email a career-ending - Essay Example In that apology email to the boss, ensure that she (the boss) does not ignore the email (as she probably receives dozens of emails daily and especially in the morning). In order to ensure this, the subject of the email should indicate it’s an apology and should be in capital letters so that it easily attracts attention thereby reducing the chances of it being ignored (Schwalbe and Shipley, 2008). Having decided to send the email, ensure that the emotions and tone are indicated in the email for sincerity purposes, identify yourself and explain how sorry you are for sending such an email, show respect to the authority by using formal language and keep the message focused. After drafting the email, proofread it (even if it is loudly) to ensure you have passed your sincere apologies and then check the email address again and sending options to ensure the previous sending mistake of a private message to the public is not repeated the send it (Jerz and Bauer, 2011). In order to ensure you do not end your career, offer to schedule an appointment with her to apologize in person. Barry D. (May 6, 2007). â€Å"You’ve Got Trouble.† The New York Times. Retrieved from:

Saturday, October 5, 2019

Political Climate of the 1980's Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Political Climate of the 1980's - Essay Example It is wrong to assume that the arms race is over as both the United States and the Russian Federation goes on feverishly producing deadlier and more lethal weapons of mass destruction. The Russian Federation today is under the determined leadership of Vladimir Putin compared to the indisciplined and chaotic days in the aftermath of the Soviet Union, under Boris Yeltsin. Russia today is far more stable and prosperous though much less democratic compared to the days of Yeltsin. Putin as a leader may be strong and determined but he also has a past that worries the west, his reputation of a ruthless KGB officer. It is however felt in many strategic circles that the west too has overlooked its responsibilities and recklessly went ahead with attempts to get the former Warsaw Pact members under the NATO ambit. The Russians have historically resented attempts by the western powers to penetrate their 'Slavic sphere of interest' in Eastern Europe and to this extent it could be said that the west for once could have been a little more measured in its approach.

Friday, October 4, 2019

Learning English Essay Example for Free

Learning English Essay As an international student, learning English was a big challenge. For one thing, I grew up speaking my native language most of the time, and I only speak English when just necessary, such as talking to American or English strangers. This is why I found it hard to learn English, and there is still room for many improvements. At first I thought that once I studied English, I would learn quickly. But I found out it was hard because my tongue got used to speaking my native language. The hardest part was mastering the subject-verb agreement. Every time I speak, I struggle with evaluating whether the subject and the verb match. Sometimes I use verb with s when I refer to plural subjects. I also had difficulty understanding sentences that have very long subjects. For instance, A mountain range that sits between two larger mountains overlooking the valley is/are very beautiful. When my friend or anyone I talk to use this kind of sentence, I easily get lost from what he means to say. Thus, sometimes I misinterpret what he says. I guess the learning process took longer for me. But I am thankful that my experiences were training ground for the changes that took place. Also, the formalized learning from the classroom helped me a lot to learn another language (Smith). Little by little, I learned the right pronunciations of words. My teacher and my classmates and friends correct me when I wrongly pronounce a word or my sentence is grammatically incorrect. Reading has also helped greatly. I tried to understand what I read, and apply what I learned. I have also read short stories and I studied the way sentences are constructed. Learning from reading is advantageous. Aside from learning grammar, spelling, and understanding meaning from the books I read, reading has also opened my eyes to the many things that remained undiscovered to me. I can say that until the present time, I’m still learning. It has helped me greatly in dealing with day to day issues in the United States. Work Cited Smith, Mark K. 2003. â€Å"Learning Theory. † 26 February 2009 http://www. infed. org/biblio/b-learn. htm.

Thursday, October 3, 2019

The Discrimination Act | Analysis

The Discrimination Act | Analysis Discrimination referred to bad treatment against a certain group of people of a specific category or class. There are two types of discrimination: the direct and the indirect discrimination. Direct discrimination according to the European Commission (2003) defined as ‘when a person is treated less well, in comparison with someone else, because of his or her racial or ethnic origin, religion or belief, disability, age or sexual orientation.Indirect discrimination occurs when a person want to get a job and for that job required special qualifications or criteria where challenge against a certain group of people and cannot be excused objective. The phenomenon of discrimination existed for many years ago and unfortunately still exist and sometimes in high degree. There are many examples of discrimination like the race, color or gender discrimination which are more popular and more often. Some examples of racism discrimination are Hitler and the American people who bad treated the b lack expatriates.   Also another popular and very often discrimination is about the gender of workers. In countries such as Afghanistan or Iran women are not manipulated equal as men thus have a sidetrack position in all areas culture. The face of discrimination in the employment is not such an easy problem, so the only factor that can stop those discriminations is the application of law in all areas and especially in the workplace. In this essay we are going to examine if the legislation is an effective mechanism for eliminating gender/ethnic discriminatory practices in employment. According to Crosby and Stockdale (2007) sex discrimination can be defined as ‘when a person is or people are treated unfairly in the work context because of gender. There exist, and always will, the huge gap between men and women as concerns the equality. Particularly, in the workplace, we can notice that women do not treated equally as men and thus we have the sex discrimination in employment. This unfair treatment against women leads to resort in Employment Tribunals and claim their rights. Taking in mind the Article 23, the equality between men and women must exist in all areas, including employment, work and pay. The principle of equality shall not embarrass the preservation or approval of measures providing for specific advantages in favor of the under-represented sex, all the employers have to respect and obey it. Many women claiming to earn the same reward opportunities as men, can get a promotion or decision-making roles, have the same employment benefits as men, to ha ve the chance of training and development opportunities, being protected by the law and having the chance for a convenience working. Some statistics show that the average hourly earnings for full-time working women are 82% of those of men and the part-time rate is 61% of that of men. Also the 20% of women which working full time earn less than  £200 per week compared with the 8% of men. Women have the 37% of managerial positions in businesses and it can be notice that women that working in the private sector earn better wages than those who are working in the public sector. As regards the flexible working 63% of women are likely to work flexibly, 78% of housework is doing by women and the 80% of women are becoming the victims of violent crimes. Occupational segregation is another barrier which prevent women accomplishment their obligation in the workplace. It is the distribution of jobs between men and women which require specific qualifications. For example masculine jobs which are engineers, electrical, pilots, firemen etc and the henpecked jobs which are nurses, teachers and stewardess. Although there are some exceptions like some women are being judges or senior police officers. ‘Glass ceiling represents the various barriers that women may face. ‘Glass ceiling prevent them from having an increased in their income or overall go on with their career unlikely with the efforts, achievements and qualifications that may have and offer. The consequences of the sex discrimination are the unfair dismissal for the following reasons: pregnancy, marital status and child care. It is very frequent for a woman to loss her job because of her pregnancy or because is divorced. According to Lockton (2006), ‘In the Courts view, the dismissal of a pregnant woman who had been appointed for an indefinite period, could not be justified on grounds relating to her inability to fulfill a condition of her employment contract temporarily. As a result we have to try and create new policies which include a much broader range of women e.g. black women, working-class women and single mothers, who suffer from discrimination and disadvantages. Furthermore women will tend to leave the workforce because of the child care, of not being as productive as job requires, or choose to earn less by staying in a friendly position or even to experience bias from her employer or her colleagues. Another form of discrimination is the race or ethnic discrimination which referrers to minority of groups in society which are less favorable treated from other groups such an example black and Asian people compared to white and English people. There is a law called Race Relation Act where established in 1976 where prohibits this type of discrimination on race, color, nationality and ethnic origin grounds. Sir Macpherson suggested that ‘the collective failure of an organization to provide an appropriate and professional service to people because of their color, and culture or ethnic origin. It can be seen or detected in processes, attitudes and behavior which amount to discrimination through unwitting prejudice, ignorance, thoughtlessness and racist stereotyping which disadvantage minority ethnic people. The black and Asian people face the discrimination by their employers in the workplace. They usual concentrated in particular jobs, have fewer opportunities to recruitment in j ob than white people, they work in lower jobs with very poor pay and the most of them are unemployed. Employers cannot discriminate against the job applicants because of the racial ground in terms of intention who should offer the job, which employment is offered or by denying employment. Also employers cannot discriminate on their current employees about the racial ground in terms of which is the employer, the way that can get opportunities for promotion, training and many other benefits or by unbind because they did not bow to their wishes (racial harassment). According to Bell (2002) ‘In the UK, during 1999/2000, the police recorded 47.814 racist incidents, most involving damage to property or verbal harassment. The International Convention on the Elimination of All forms of Discrimination has the Article 4(a) which says that to announce as a fast punishable by lawimpulse to racial discrimination, as well as all acts of violence or impulse to such acts against any race or group of persons of another color or ethnicity. As it mortgaged above, racial discrimination is prohibited by law so many people who had faced any type of discrimination can complaint to the Employment Tribunal. There is three month time limit for presenting in Employment Tribunal and the decision of the tribunal is sometimes further than compensation. The Employment Tribunal may recommend to the employer ways to reduce bad effects of the discrimination such as an apology.   Nowadays discrimination has reduced in very high levels because all the employers try to respect and obey the law. By the incorporation of black and Asian people in the workforce had been able to acquire successful jobs. Also women in the 20th century have more opportunities and are protected by law. They have made improvements on areas of politics, education, employment etc. In conclusion the gender and ethnic discrimination in the workplace is prohibited by law. Unfortunately some employers violate the law and discriminate against of their employees. Women, black and Asian people faced most recently the racism of their employers and many cases transferred to the Employment Tribunal. Nowadays this phenomenon has reduced and employers are training and have the knowledge to avoid any situation of discrimination not only from their side but also form the side of the workers. In recent years women and black people have very important positions all over the world and an example is the minister of USA Barack Obama who had competed with a woman, Hillary Clinton, for the chair of USA. This example shows us that men and women, black or white are equal, have the same opportunities and are protected by the law from any type of discrimination. Japanese Airlines: Strategic Human Resource Management Japanese Airlines: Strategic Human Resource Management This essay is going to discuss about the human resource management issues in Japanese airlines and also provide the way to solve the problem based on the human resource strategy that consist of various practices i.e. communication within an organization, human resource planning, recruitment and selection, learning and development, performance measurement, employee relations, and evaluation. Harvard Referencing Style is adopted for referencing in this essay. In 1992, Japanese airlines, JAL, declared its first loss at $100.2 million (Shrestha, 2008). Numbers of policies and plans were initiated and executed in order to combat with the loss. The key to combat with the loss was to reduce the expenses therefore downsizing the employee and cutting off the employee remuneration were included in its plans. Furthermore, the company turned to start hiring non-Japanese employees instead due to the lower payment on their wages. Consequently, these policies and plans led to another substantial loss for the company which was a lowering in productivity of its employee and had a notably impact on customer services and also customer relations. This substantial loss was engendered by the differences between Japanese and non-Japanese employees of JAL itself and this was considered to be the human resource management issue of the firm. According to the business strategy of Japanese airlines was to strive in the airline business and combat with its loss by the cost reduction and workforce productivity improvement (JAL, 2008). Thus, the human resource strategy had to be aligned to the business strategy in order to achieve the firms goal. HR strategy consists of a set of decisions and actions which involve with the management of all level of employee in the business and related to the implementation of strategy that led to creating and sustaining competitive advantage of the company (Tyson, 2006). The key HR strategy of JAL appeared to be the hiring non-Japanese employees at lower wages through the IASCO, global crew leasing company. This was possibly considered as an effective strategy to JAL as the labor costs of the firm was reduced by 40% in that period of time. However, afterwards, this strategy turned to be a loss of the firm in long run as a rift between Japanese employees who directly contracted with JAL and n on-Japanese employees who contracted with JAL through IASCO was created according to the differences between them. Differences were possibly stimulated in either difference in their personal culture of working and flawed HR policies that could not blend and treat them together equally; as a result, them and us culture was developed and made a loss to the firm. Apparently, the existed HR strategy of the firm did not cover this pitfall and should be reconstructed based on HR practices and fit with the business strategy in order to resolve the problem and sustain the competitive advantage of the company. The key determinant of human resource effectiveness is the fit between the business strategy and human resource strategy (Tyson, 2006). The business strategy and HR strategy are required to be communicated through all level of employees in the company to enhance the employee understanding and motivate them to pursue the firms goal. Communication in organization is the basic function that cannot be overlooked. It is the key for motivation that can improve the employee morale and productivity (Martin, 2005). Without the communication, it is impossible to create the human relations and thus difficult to success in the business (Thomson, 2007). Communication in organization can be categorized into 2 main types which are written communication such as internal newsletters, e-mails and another one is the oral communication that involves presentations, employee meetings. Both types are important in different ways depend on the situation but, generally, oral communications are much more meaningful and effective than written communications (Martin, 2005). As such, the HR strategy of JAL should be conducted through the employee meeting which involves entire level of employees by include how each individual employee can contribute to the firms goal, how employees will be supported and how the firm will be different in the future and make sure that it is a two-way communication to ensure that all employees will receive and understand the delivered messages. However, the Japanese culture tends to be the seniority system under a formal hierarchy that reflects the subordinates to acknowledge the supervisors commands with less comments and suggestions (Deresky, 2008). Therefore, this strict hierarchy should be mitigated in communication and replaced by the openness in order to obtain the feedback and perceive the existed and potential problems including human resource issues in the organization from all employees. It is important to gather the information of existed problems as well as potential problems in the future from the employees as they are the real one who facing the real problem and their opinions are useful to develop the problem solving plan (Robbins, 2008). HR practices such as human resource planning, recruitment and selection, learning and development, performance measurement, employee relations, and evaluation would be more effective by development with the joint of employees feedback. HR planning is the process of determining what job in the firm will need to be filled, how to fill them and what skills, experience and competencies will be required (Dessler, 2008). This process is significance to the firm in term of manpower management and certainly the benefit to the firm in term of financial as well. The goal of HR planning can be defined as to get the right quantify of employee with the right knowledge, skills, experiences and competencies in the right jobs at the right time and also at the appropriate cost in order to achieve the firms goal (Bacal, 2010). The HR planning is able to play an important role regarding the firms cost reduction strategy because it involves with the determining current existed employees and also forecasting the future employee turnover and requirement rate to balance the total headcounts that capable to sustain the achievement on business goal. Shortage of employee issue can make a loss in opportunities in business that leads to financial loss. Similarly, excessiveness of headcount issue can make a financial loss by the excess payment on unnecessary jobs and downsizing the employee which compensation payments are required. The downsizing does not create an impact on only employees who have been sacked but it also creates the negative impact on morale of remaining employees (?sthus, 2010). These issues are possibly mitigated by an effective HR planning (Dessler, 2008). Under a well-developed HR planning, JAL would tend to promote their existed employees to other required positions by training and developing them instead of hiring new employees which may cause financial loss in the future due to an excessive headcount. HR planning could provide both money saving and prevention of morale impact on firms employees. HR planning directly involves with the recruitment and selection process. Recruitment and selection process is the process of screening and choosing the right people into the right positions at the right time (Martin, 2005). This process can be done by the firm itself so called in-house recruitment or through the employment agencies i.e. headhunters, niche recruiters (Dessler, 2008). JAL decided to recruit their non-Japanese pilots and flight engineers through the IASCO, crew leasing company which is considered as employment agencies, due to the reason of lower wages. However, the cultural differences between Japanese and non-Japanese employees created a negative impact to the firm. To combat with this issue, JAL could work out with IASCO to screen and select non-Japanese employee by take following factors into account beyond the skills, experiences and competencies that are generally required in the position. These factors are culture adaptability and ability to learn other language of the candidates through the ability test of aptitude, test of personali ty and group situational test in the structured interview and selection process. Adaptability is a personality to handling uncertainty situation, and dealing with the working outside traditional culture and also geographical borders (OConnell, 2008). With the high adaptability of non-Japanese employees, they could tend to conform to JAL culture. Consequently, the cultural differences issues could be reduced. In the same way, this recruitment practice that takes the adaptability of candidates into account could provide more effective in problem solving related to the cultural differences by applying it to the recruitment of Japanese employee by JAL itself as well. As such, both Japanese and non-Japanese with high adaptability could easily blend together and provide better work performances. Alternatively, the JAL could save more money and, in the same time, avoid the cultural differences issues by in-house recruitment on both Japanese and non-Japanese employees with the focus on adaptability of candidates. Hiring people through the employment agencies normally cost more than in-house recruitment since the agencies get the fees (Dessler, 2008). Also, recruiting non-Japanese employees directly by JAL itself and make them to be permanent employees for the firm could prevent the negative impact on their morale and lead to maintain their productivities. Morale and employee relation problems can be created when the permanent and non-permanent employees working on the same work but not obtain the same benefits regarding their differences in permanent and non-permanent employment status (Schaefer, 2005). The productivity of employee is tended to worsen if the employees morale is lower (Mohanty, 2009). Recruiting and selecting the high potential employees does not assure that they will perform their work effectively. To guarantee that employees will work effectively, they are required to know what to do and how to do their jobs through the learning, training and development programs (Dessler, 2008). Firstly, the employees need to learn the basic background information of the firm such as company rules and policies in order to get them perform their jobs satisfactorily. Employees may perform their work performance lower than expectation of the company without knowing the basic information on things like rules and policies (Tyson, 2006). Secondly, in order to improve the work performance of employees, they are required to learn and acquire new skills and knowledge. As such, training and development process is essential. Training and development is a learning process to provide the skills and knowledge, required for employees to perform their jobs, to both new and current employees with an aim to bettering their work performances (Dessler, 2008). The process can be done both on and off the job. Group meetings, Projects and assignments are the samples of on the job training. On the other hand, samples of off the job training are seminars and workshops. To train and develop employees effectively, firm needs to identify who needs training and what do they want to learn. After that, establishing plan and implementation of the training to serve employee needs. Finally, the evaluation to check the effectiveness of the training is required (Martin, 2005). Regarding the JAL human resource issues, other than general training and development programs to improve the skills and knowledge of employees, the team building training should be adopted to glue the rift between Japanese and non-Japanese employees. Team building promotes the bonding between employees within the organization (Hikichi, 2010). It can be done in a various forms even activities like games and parties (Leland, 2010). By implementing the team building program, Japanese and non-Japanese employees could tend to learn, connect and blend to other cultures from their colleagues. Team building helps break the ice between employees and better understanding on each other (Leland, 2010). As such, the conflict issues of JAL due to the culture differences could be mitigated therefore JAL could improve productivity from its employees. The productivity and workflow in a team could be intensely damaged by the conflict or confusion (Grainger, 2010). Once the employees have been employed, trained and worked on their job for a period of time, the performance appraisal is required to measure their performances. Performance appraisal is one process of the performance management. Performance management is the way that company measures and determines how well its business and employee performs through all of the organizational processes by linked with the organizations goals and objectives (Martin, 2005). Its aim is to evaluate and develop the employees (Tyson, 2006). Under performance management, JAL is required to state the clearly defined business objectives, department objectives and individual employee objectives. Thus, those objectives have to be specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, time bound, exciting and reviewable to motivate its employee. By the clearly defined objectives, employees would know what to do and see how their individual, teamwork performance affect and contribute to the overall objectives of the firms ( Moore, 2010). Clearly defined objectives provide the directions and challenges to employees and lead to improve their motivation (Bauer, 2009). The performance appraisal is important to the JAL in order to determine, evaluate and develop the employees based on their past performances. The performance appraisal also provides a benefit to the firm by improve the motivation of its employees. Once the employees are appraised, the feedback of their strengths and weaknesses are returned to employees. Letting they know what areas they need to improve and develop based on their strengths and weaknesses could improving the motivation of employees and also increasing the organizational performance (Martin, 2005). The appraisal can be done both internally such as the self-evaluation, evaluation by their supervisors, peers and externally by customer feedbacks, evaluations. JAL should standardize the performance appraisal process among subsidiaries and also equally to both Japanese employees and non-Japanese employees from IASCO crews in order to prevent the unfair situation and negative impact due to the different treatment between them. Work performances of the employees tend to be poorer if they are experienced injustice in workplace (ScienceDaily, 2009). By standardization of appraisal on both Japanese and non-Japanese employees, the non-Japanese employees could be stimulated to improve their work performances and also distrust attitude of Japanese employees could be reduced as both of them are required to work hard and perform the well-performance to improve their bottom line profits. The employees who performed above and beyond the expected level of output regarding their job description and accomplished firm, department and individual objectives should be rewarded. Recognizing and respecting for employees contribution at work is the biggest motivator (Harrison, 2010). Plenty benefits would be returned to JAL by an adoption of appropriate reward system regarding employees performance such as improvement on employee productivity, increasing in retention of quality employee and lowering absenteeism. Awarding the desired work performance of employee increases the repetition of desired work performance therefore more productivity is created (Harrison, 2010). Employee relations is the another process that JAL could adopt in order to improve its employees motivation and productivity. Employee relations is the process that concerned with sustaining the relationship between the employer and employee that contribute to satisfactory morale, motivation and productivity (Dessler, 2008). Improving the relationships at work leads to an improvement on overall productivity and thus increasing the profit to the firm (Polman, 2010). To improve the relationship among employer and employee, the conflicts between them have to be prevented. JAL could have to state clearly, effectively and reasonably policies and rules such as disciplinary rules and procedures to prevent the conflicts within an organization. Rules and policies in workplace are mainly set to specify expectations for behavior, secure safety and health of employees, promote and protect employee rights, and promote harmony and reduce the conflicts in workplace (Cuma, 2010). JAL could also help non-Japanese employees, IASCO crews, to get the membership of labor union in order to enhance the employee relations. One of the ways to improve the employer-employee relationship is to dealing well of labor union (Van der Waldt, 2007). As such, non-Japanese employees could gain more benefit, consequently be motivated and perform more productivity of their works. Union members receive more payment, holidays, insurance plan benefit, and various other benefits than nonunion employees (Dessler, 2008). Moreover, the union member also can ask for a help from the union to guarantee that workers rights are put in place (James, 2009). In addition, this action could also provide the bargaining power back to the Japanese employees who have been being members of the union. Furthermore, the job security of non-Japanese employees has to be guaranteed in order to prevent the lowering in productivity according to employees morale. Lack of job security makes the employees feel stressful (MacLeod, 2010). If employees are at unhealthy stress level, there are high possibilities that employees work performances will be poorer and that will cause negative impact to the firm (Pearson, 2009). Last step to solve the JAL human resource issues effectively is to continually evaluate the effectiveness of all previously presented HR activities. The continual evaluation process is important in order to determine how successful HR activities are and how can firm develop and improve them to be more effective. Evaluation process is used to ensure that the plans and implementations are having an effect per expectation (Douglas, 2010). If there are any loopholes in the plans and activities, the evaluation process will show early signals therefore the plans and activities can be timely adjusted to improve the effectiveness (Douglas, 2010). This essay is attempted to solve the human resource issues in Japanese airlines through the HR areas. Hopefully, the problems can be solved by the presented strategic HR plans and activities with an aim to improve the productivity and motivation of the workforce, at the same time, enhance cost saving in various ways through the HR processes which are communication within an organization, human resource planning, recruitment and selection, learning and development, performance measurement, employee relations, and evaluation.